Talent Management & HR Consulting
Expert services to enhance performance
Providing clients with data-driven Talent Management and HR Consulting solutions to address the demanding questions reflected in all aspects of HR and the entire life cycle of an employee
We aim to provide solutions, services, practical tools to help you address the following:
the debate about the organisation’s future strategic priorities and required actionable strategies
the design of functional and organisational structures to deliver on the organisation's mandate
identifying and defining roles that are becoming more critical in the new or changing market-place
how to future proof your talent pipeline for future critical roles
tough conversations about the required contribution and benchmarks to drive performance
assessing readiness through strategic talent reviews
the implication of critical competency gaps in a quest to meet future business demands
defining an attractive Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and brand strategies best suited for your desired organisation culture
talent acquisition, recruitment and retention strategies
identification of high performing talent and building a talent pipeline of potential successors for key and or critical roles
how best to equip the emerging talent with the experience and skills to operate effectively
onboarding, induction and talent development solutions to ensure well adjusted and high performing employees
how to identify and improve employee well-being, engagement and productivity
Talent Acquisition & Management
Our team of experts will help you with the following:
defining strategic priorities
creating and implementing a Talent Management, Talent Acquisition, and Talent Retention Strategy
creating an attractive EVP and brand strategy
creating functional and orginisational structures
creating and benchmarking job descriptions
conducting talent audits and gap analysis
potential identification
talent pipelining and talent mapping
talent data analytics
and more
Offering you solutions to ensure adaptive capacity and accelerated performance of employees through:
induction and on-boarding of new joiners
performance management and optimization solutions
job competency profiling and mapping
career development
high potential and graduate programs
succession planning and management
coaching and mentorship programs
soft-skills and competency development programs
and more
Talent Development & Performance Optimization
Talent Retention, Well-Being & Engagement
Offering assistance in the following:
developing retention strategies
conducting organisation wide climate surveys to have a better understanding of the view the employees have of the organisation
employee engagement and work satisfaction surveys
assessing employee well-being and psychological safety
stress management and personal mastery programs
diversity, inclusion and cultural sensitivity programs
and more